Urology Resources
Discover answers to the questions you’ve been asking about urology, what it’s like to work with HCD, and more, in Home Care Delivered’s informative blog.
Everything You Need to Know About Catheter-Associated UTIs
For most of us, the ability to easily go into a bathroom and empty our bladders is one of those basic functions that is easy to take for granted. But when you have a urological condition that makes urinating difficult or impossible, life becomes a little more complicated. Luckily, help is available in the form of a urinary catheter, a tube inserted in the bladder that allows the urine to be diverted into a drainage bag that is regularly emptied.
Urinary Catheters for Women: One Size Does Not Fit All
If you’re looking for information about urinary catheters for women, you’ve found it! Read on for important details about why catheters are needed, and which types are designed and recommended for women.
What is Urinary Retention?
If you or a loved one is experiencing urinary retention you may have questions. Learn more about the causes of urinary retention.
What Is an Intermittent Catheter?
Intermittent catheters are a life changing medical for supply for those experiencing urinary retention. Learn more about the types of intermittent catheters and how they are used.
How to prevent a UTI when using a catheter
Urinary tract infections are an unwanted side effect that often occur when using a catheter. Learn how to prevent UTIs.
Does Medicaid Cover Catheters?
If catheters are necessary, they can be expensive when you’re paying out of pocket. But there’s good news for eligible Medicaid members: Most Medicaid plans cover catheters and catheter supplies.
Catheter French Sizes: What Are They?
When looking at catheter French sizes, you may have noticed that the little letters “Fr” always come after the number. Ever wonder why? That “Fr” is the unit of measurement for the French Scale measurement system, and it’s responsible for how catheters are sized.
What Is a Coated Catheter?
Coated catheters are urinary catheters that have been coated with an additional substance or material. There are different kinds of catheter coatings, and each one services a specific purpose, such as protecting against infection or easing the discomfort of insertion.
What Is a 100% Silicone Catheter?
The 100% Silicone catheter is a urinary catheter made entirely out of silicone. They contain no latex, which makes them ideal for people with latex allergies or sensitivities.
What Is a Red Rubber Catheter?
Red rubber catheters are a type of intermittent catheter used to manage urinary retention. They function just like a straight catheter, except that they are made of red rubber latex instead of plastic. This makes the red rubber catheter a bit more flexible, which some people prefer.