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Discover answers to the questions you’ve been asking about diabetes, incontinence, wound care, urology, what it’s like to work with HCD, and more, on Home Care Delivered’s informative blog.

Diabetes and Foot Health

When we think about diabetes self-care, we usually think about monitoring blood sugar, taking medication, and counting carbs. These are all critical for effectively managing diabetes, but there are two other “things” you also need to think about—your feet!

diabetes and foot health

Diabetes and Your Dental Health 

Did you know that having diabetes can also lead to complications with your teeth and gums? Doctors say that the higher the level of glucose in your blood, the higher your risk for dental problems. In fact, about 20% of all tooth loss is linked to diabetes.

woman brushing her teeth

Yes, You Can (and Should!) Exercise with Incontinence

Let’s just get it out in the open—there’s nothing fun about incontinence. Difficulty controlling your bladder is a challenge, and in some cases a burden. But here’s the thing—incontinence does not mean you’re permanently benched! In fact, physical activity is one of the best things people with incontinence can do for themselves.

senior woman exercising