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Discover answers to the questions you’ve been asking about diabetes, incontinence, wound care, urology, what it’s like to work with HCD, and more, on Home Care Delivered’s informative blog.

Bladder Pads vs. Period Pads: The Dry Facts

If you’ve been experiencing a little (or a lot!) of leaking due to incontinence, it may be tempting to grab a maxi pad from the bathroom cabinet and hope for the best. After all, a pad is a pad, right? Could there really be that much difference between a pad meant to protect someone with incontinence and one meant to protect someone who has her period?

Bladder Pads vs. Period Pads: The Dry Facts

Caring for an Advanced Wound: A Practical Guide

Remember when you were a kid and that skinned knee seemed to fix itself overnight, with the help of a couple of Mickey Mouse Band-Aids, of course? Unfortunately, adult wounds can take longer to heal. That can be because of the severity of the wound as well as underlying health issues.

Advanced Wound Care