Welcome to Our Blog

Discover answers to the questions you’ve been asking about diabetes, incontinence, wound care, urology, what it’s like to work with HCD, and more, on Home Care Delivered’s informative blog.

HCD: The Story of a Lifetime

It has been 25 years since I started Home Care Delivered. It’s been an amazing experience building a company that has helped so many people get the insurance-covered medical supplies they need delivered directly to their door. Back in 1996, when I made my first delivery (from the trunk of my very own car!) I had no idea how far we would come, growing from one employee (me!) into a leader in the medical supply industry with more than 200 dedicated employees serving more than 40,000 customers.

The HCD Story by Gordy Fox

Answers to Questions About Diabetes and Food

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you’re sure to have questions about the best food choices you can make to keep your diabetes in check. Food is one of three ways people with diabetes manage their blood sugar. The others are exercise and medication.

Answers to questions about diabetes and food

Living Well After 50: Women in Charge

Spend some time in the greeting card aisle or looking at ads for skin care products and you might start to thinking that all that’s in store for women over the age of 50 is weight gain, sagging skin, and thinning hair. Yikes! In fact, things have never been better for women of a certain age.

Four 50+ Women smiling

Two Tips for Health: Start Moving and Keep Moving!

When it comes to staying healthy, Thomas Jefferson had the right idea when he said: “Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning!”

Woman drinking water after jogging