Pennsylvania Insurances*

National Plans

Health Plan Name

Health Plan Type

American PPOPPO
American Care Management (ACM)PPO
Ancillary Care Services (ACS)PPO
Three Rivers Health PlanPPO
TriCare East
USA Managed Care OrganizationPPO

Government Healthcare Programs

Health Plan Name

Pennsylvania Medicaid
Pennsylvania Dept. of Aging Waiver

Managed Medicaid Plans

Health Plan Name

Aetna Better Health of PA Kids
Highmark Wholecare Medicaid (formerly known as Gateway Medicaid)
Geisinger Health Plan
Keystone First PA
UHC Community Plan of PA

Community HealthChoices (CHC) MLTSS Plans

Health Plan Name

AmeriHealth Caritas of PA Community HealthChoices
Keystone First Community HealthChoices
PA Health & Wellness Community HealthChoices
UPMC Community HealthChoices

Medicare Advantage Plans

Health Plan Name

Health Plan Type

Advantra – CoventryHMO, PPO
AllWell PA from PA Health & WellnessD-SNP, HMO
Amerihealth of PAHMO, POS, PPO
Capital BlueCrossHMO, PPO
CIGNA – HealthspringHMO
Highmark Wholecare Medicare (formerly known as Gateway Medicare Assured )HMO
Geisinger Gold Health PlanHMO, PPO
Humana Medicare Advantage
Independence Blue Cross – KeystoneHMO
Independence Blue Cross – Personal ChoicePPO

Provider Partner’s Health Plan

Commercial Plans

Health Plan Name

Health Plan Type

American Care Management (ACM)PPO
American PPOPPO
Ambetter PA – PA Health & WellnessHMO
Amerihealth of PAPPO
Ancillary Care Services (ACS)PPO
Capital BlueCrossHMO, POS, PPO
Coventry – Health America EastHMO, POS, PPO
Coventry – Health America WestHMO, POS, PPO
Coventry – Mail HandlersHMO, PPO
First Priority Health PlanPOS, PPO
Geisinger Health PlanEPO, HMO, PPO
Independence BCBS (IBC/IBX)EPO, HMO, POS
Independence Blue Cross – Personal ChoiceEPO, HMO, POS, PPO
Keystone Health Plan CentralEPO, HMO, POS, PPO
Keystone Health Plan EastEPO, HMO, POS, PPO
Keystone Health Plan WestEPO, HMO, POS, PPO
Three Rivers Health PlanPPO
USA Managed Care OrganizationPPO

Tricare Plans

Health Plan Name

Health Plan Type

Humana MilitaryTricare East

Out of Network Plans

Health Plan Name

Health Plan Type

Amerihealth Caritas
Optum/Optum Choice (UHC)
* While these lists are maintained regularly, they may not be complete. We are continuously expanding the number of insurance plans that we participate with to better serve the needs of both our referral sources and customers. Use our Contact Us form or call us at (800) 565-6167 for any questions.